If you are looking to sell your home in Nashville or the surrounding area you have a goal to not just list it but to actually sell it! Not only do you have a goal to sell it, but I am sure you would like to maximize your return on your investment.
Maximizing the return of your investment may require a few repairs and improvements and time invested to get your home in tip top shape.
Homebuyers tastes, style, and preferences may vary but every buyer wants to make a home purchase they can be proud of in one way or the other. Although you may not know exactly what the home seeker is looking for, you can

gauge if your particular home is a good buy with the help of your real estate professional.
You can also honestly consider this question; if you were a buyer looking in the price range and area of the home in which you live, would you buy your own home? Would it even be a strong contender? As you drive through your neighborhood and neighboring areas how does your home compare with others? Take some to evaluate your property. Consider the condition; if you were the buyer what do you immediately see you want repaired or upgraded. Consider the curb appeal; if you were the buyer what makes your home attractive? What features and amenities does the property currently have that would make it stand out from the other homes the buyer may be considering?
If you would not buy your own home based on the condition or lack of appeal, consult with your real estate professional to discuss some things that you can do to put you in a better position to sell your home. A few minor tweaks may be all you need to change a no to a yes.
If you are considering transitioning to a new home, give our office a call at 615-534-2511. We would love to offer you a no cost; no obligation home assessment to discuss getting the most from your home sale.